Another interesting place along the Billy the Kid Scenic Byway is Capitan NM - it is the birthplace and burial site of Smokey the Bear. The Visitor Center in Capitan has an excellent display of photos and newspaper articles along with the posters from the advertising campaign "Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires. This campaign started in 1944 before there was a real bear to represent Smokey.

A 2 month old bear cub was found clinging to a tree after a fire in Capitan Gap. Firefighters rescued him and originally named him "Hotfoot Teddy" since his feet were burned. During his recovery he was kept at the home of one of the rangers. They flew him to Washington DC and the rest is history...the campaign grew so great after a real bear was included the post office gave Smokey his zip code since he received so much mail. Smokey spent the rest of his life in the National Zoo.
A study was made of school children - both US and foreign - on familiar slogans revealed that given the motto "Only You" more children were able to complete "Can Prevent Forest Fires" than any other motto.
Smokey offically "retired" in 1975 at the age of 25 (70 in human years and the retirement age of Public Service employees :). He died at age 26. His remains were finally buried secretly in the village of Capitan at the visitor center.
Here is a link to the Visitor Center
Smokey the Bear Visitor Center .
There is a lot that I didn't include here. There is a great brochure that contains the "True Story". We spent a lot time there and we really enjoyed it.
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